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Prevention of osteoporotic fracture: from skeletal and non-skeletal perspectives
Xinluan Wang, Wenyao Yang, Ling Qin
2022, 2(4): 214-224. doi: 10.2478/fzm-2022-0029
Keywords: osteoporotic fracture, sarcopenia, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tai Chi exercise

With the global population aging, especially in China, the prevention and management of osteoporotic fragility fractures has become increasingly important. Bone mineral density (BMD) is an important index of osteoporotic fracture risk, which has become aroutine measurement inclinical practice and thus formed the cornerstone in monitoring treatment efficacy of osteoporosis. In the past 30 years, several pharmacologic therapies have been developed to increase BMD and reduce osteoporotic fractures, especially vertebral fractures. However, the management of nonvertebral fractures and hip fractures remains challenging as low BMD is only one of the multi-factors for these conditions. Hip fractures mainly result from a fall and its incidence is higher in the frigid zone due to low temperature affecting neuromuscular function and high latitude with less sunlight, the conditions rendering less active vitamin D conversion, apart from increased falling. In this paper, we focus on two therapeutic strategies targeting both skeletal and non-skeletal factors, that is, Tai Chi (TC) exercise for improving balance and "kidney-tonifying" traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) against muscle atrophy. TC is a mind-body exercise that has the potential as an effective and safe intervention for preventing fall-related fractures in the elderly. This makes it a promising and feasible physical activity for the elderly in frigid zone to prevent osteoporotic fractures. Several TCM formula popular in northeast of China within frigid zone are also introduced. They are reportedly effective in maintaining or improving BMD and muscle strength with the potential of reducing osteoporotic fracture. However, more rationally designed vigorous basic investigations and prospective clinical trials are highly desired to validate and consolidate the preliminary observations in the future.