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Jie Yang, Zhuxiao Ren, Lingkong Zeng, Shiwen Xia, Lin Wang, Jiayu Miao, Zhe Zhao, Chuanzhong Yang, Xiuyong Cheng, Huayan Zhang, Yuanfang Zhu, Li Liu, Xirong Gao, Bin Yi, Zhenlang Lin, Wei Liu, Xiaoyu Zhou, Benqing Wu, Ling Chen, Zhankui Li, Xuefeng Zhang, Wei Lu, Lianhong Zhang, Xiao Chen, Xiaoyun Zhong, Falin Xu, Jinhui Wu, Yong Ji, Jiahua Pan, Yanxiang Chen, Carine Ronsmans, Zhichun Feng, on behalf of the Chinese Neonatologist Association. Challenges and improvement in management of neonates born to mothers with COVID-19 in China[J]. Frigid Zone Medicine, 2022, 2(2): 94-102. doi: 10.2478/fzm-2022-0013
Citation: Jie Yang, Zhuxiao Ren, Lingkong Zeng, Shiwen Xia, Lin Wang, Jiayu Miao, Zhe Zhao, Chuanzhong Yang, Xiuyong Cheng, Huayan Zhang, Yuanfang Zhu, Li Liu, Xirong Gao, Bin Yi, Zhenlang Lin, Wei Liu, Xiaoyu Zhou, Benqing Wu, Ling Chen, Zhankui Li, Xuefeng Zhang, Wei Lu, Lianhong Zhang, Xiao Chen, Xiaoyun Zhong, Falin Xu, Jinhui Wu, Yong Ji, Jiahua Pan, Yanxiang Chen, Carine Ronsmans, Zhichun Feng, on behalf of the Chinese Neonatologist Association. Challenges and improvement in management of neonates born to mothers with COVID-19 in China[J]. Frigid Zone Medicine, 2022, 2(2): 94-102. doi: 10.2478/fzm-2022-0013

Challenges and improvement in management of neonates born to mothers with COVID-19 in China

doi: 10.2478/fzm-2022-0013
More Information
  • Figure  1.  Management of neonates born to pregnant women with confirmed/suspected COVID-19

    Figure  2.  Suggestion on improvement of managing high risk COVID-19 neonates

    Table  1.   Clinical characteristics of mothers with confirmed or suspected COVID-19

    Characteristics Mothers positive for SARS-CoV-2
    (N = 42)
    Mothers negative for SARS-CoV-2
    (N = 76)
    P value
    Age (years) 0.448
      20-24 1(2.4%) 5(6.6%)
      25-29 16(38.1%) 30(39.5%)
      30-34 20(47.6%) 27(35.5%)
      ≥35 5 (11.9%) 14(18.4%)
    Caesarean section, N(%) 37(88.1%) 48(63.2%) 0.004
    Complications during pregnancy
      Diabetes, N (%) 16(38.1%) 16(21.0%) 0.046
      Hypertension, N(%) 10(23.8%) 7(9.2%) 0.031
    History of exposure to COVID-19 41(97.6%) 67(88.2%) 0.155
    Signs and symptoms
      Fever, N (%) 28(66.7%) 49(64.5%) 0.811
      Cough or sorethroat, N (%) 21(50.0%) 18(23.7%) 0.004
      Neutrophil count < 9.5×109/L 37 (94.9%)* 40 (53.3%)* < 0.001
      Lymphocyte count (< 1×109/L) 4 (10.3%) 8 (10.7%) 1.000
      Abnormal Chest imaging, N (%) 39 (95.1%)δ 45 (72.6%)δ 0.009
    *39 of 42 mothers with confirmed COVID-19 and 75/76 mothers with negative test results had routine blood results. δ41 of 42 mothers with confirmed COVID-19 and 62/76 mothers with negative test results had chest imaging.
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    Table  2.   Clinical characteristics of neonates born to mothers with confirmed or suspected COVID-19

    Neonates born to mothers with
    confirmed COVID-19
    (N = 44)*
    Neonates born to mothers
    without confirmed COVID-19
    (N = 77)#
    t2 P value
    Gestational age at delivery, N (%) 3.422 0.181
      ≤33 week 5(11.4) 8(10.4)
      34-36 week 10(22.7) 8(10.4)
      37-41 week 29(65.9) 60(77.92)
      ≥42 week 0 0
    Premature, N (%) 15(34.1) 16(20.8) 2.604 0.107
    Birth weight, N (%) 2.033 0.566
      ≤1000 g 0 0
       > 1 000-1 500 g 0 2(2.6)
       > 1 500-2 500 g 11 (25.0) 14(18.2)
       > 2 500-4 000 g 32(72.7) 60(77.9)
       > 4 000 g 1(2.3) 1(1.3)
    Female sex, N (%) 18(40.9) 35(45.5) 0.235 0.628
    Apgar score, N (%)
      ≤7 at 1 min after birth 5(11.4) 4(5.2) 0.781 0.377
      ≤7 at 5 min after birth 3(6.8) 1(1.4) 1.221 0.269
    Signs and symptoms
    Fever (≥ 37.3℃), N (%) 15(34.1) 10(13.0) 7.608 0.006
    Dyspnea, N(%) 14(31.8) 25(32.5) 0.005 0.941
    No symptoms, N (%) 20(45.5) 49(63.6) 3.777 0.052
    Chest imaging
      Abnormal, N (%) 24(60.0)$ 25(46.3)Φ 1.729 0.189
    Feeding mode, N (%)
      Exclusively Breastfeeding 0 2(2.6) 0.113 0.736
      Formula feeding 40(90.9) 62(80.5) 2.283 0.131
      Mixed feeding 4(9.1) 9(11.70) 0.019 0.890
      Nil by mouth 0 4(5.2) 1.018 0.313
    SARS-CoV-2 PCR
      Isolation unit, N (%) 44(100) 50(64.9)
      Performed, N (%)
      Not isolated 1(2.3) 0
      Primary care 14(31.8) 58(75.3) 24.037 0
      Special care 29(65.9) 19(25.7)
      Intensive care 0 0
    *Includes 2 pairs of twins. #Includes 1 pair of twins. $40 of 44 cases in neonates born to mothers with prenatally confirmed COVID-19 had chest imaging. Φ54 of 77 cases in neonates born to mothers with prenatally suspected/postnatally PCR-negative had chest imaging.
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    Table  3.   Clinical characteristics of neonates with positive PCR SARS-CoV-2 testing and select characteristics of their mothers

    Neonate 1 Neonate 2 Neonate 3 Neonate 4 Neonate 5 Neonate 6
      Age (years) 32 32 33 30 32 27
      Diabetes No No No No No No
      Hypertension No No No No No No
      Fever No No Yes No Yes Yes
      Cough or sore throat No No Yes No No Yes
      Chest radiography Normal Normal Abnormal Abnormal Abnormal Abnormal
      Leukocyte count (×109/L) 6.3 6.3 3.6 8.8 6.9 7.9
      PCR-positive prior to delivery Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
      Gestational age 31w+2 31w+2 40w+0 40w+6 39w+1 38w+5
      Birthweight (g) 1580 1580 3250 3360 3500 3300
      Caesarean section Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
      Apgar score (1 min, 5 min) 3, 4 8, 9 8, 9 9, 10 9, 10 9, 10
      Fever No No Yes Yes Yes Yes
      Tachypnea Yes Yes No Yes No No
      Chest radiography Abnormal Abnormal Abnormal Abnormal Abnormal Abnormal
      Leukocyte count (×109/L) 4.8 4.3 7.4 17.9 12.2 7.3
    SARS-CoV-2 PCR test result*
      1st testing 36 h 36 h 40 h 46 h 38 h 5 days
    Nasal pharyngeal
    swab (+)
    Anal swab (+)
    Nasal pharyngeal
    swab (+)
    Anal swab (+)
    Nasal pharyngeal
    swab (+)
    Anal swab (+)
    Nasal pharyngeal
    swab (+)
    Anal swab (+)
    Nasal pharyngeal
    swab (+)
    Anal swab (+)
    Nasal pharyngeal
    swab (+)
    Anal swab (+)
      2nd testing 3 days 4 days 4 days 3 days 4 days N/A
    Nasal pharyngeal
    swab (-)
    Anal swab N/A
    Nasal pharyngeal
    swab (+)
    Anal swab N/A
    Nasal pharyngeal
    swab (+)
    Anal swab (+)
    Nasal pharyngeal
    swab (+)
    Anal swab N/A
    Nasal pharyngeal
    swab (-), Anal
    swab N/A
    Isolated immediately after birth Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
    Breastfeeding or received expressed breast milk No No No No No No
    Outcome Discharged Discharged Discharged Discharged Discharged Discharged
    *Hours or days after birth
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