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Ibuprofen treatment for patent ductus arteriosus in preterm infants: a retrospective cohort study in a leading Chinese center

Jia Chen Jinghua Luo Hao Liu Xue Du Shan Zhang Zizhen Wang Liu He Zhichun Feng

Ibuprofen treatment for patent ductus arteriosus in preterm infants: a retrospective cohort study in a leading Chinese center[J]. 寒地医学, 2021, 1(2): 103-110. doi: 10.2478/fzm-2021-0013
引用本文: Ibuprofen treatment for patent ductus arteriosus in preterm infants: a retrospective cohort study in a leading Chinese center[J]. 寒地医学, 2021, 1(2): 103-110. doi: 10.2478/fzm-2021-0013
Jia Chen, Jinghua Luo, Hao Liu, Xue Du, Shan Zhang, Zizhen Wang, Liu He, Zhichun Feng. Ibuprofen treatment for patent ductus arteriosus in preterm infants: a retrospective cohort study in a leading Chinese center[J]. Frigid Zone Medicine, 2021, 1(2): 103-110. doi: 10.2478/fzm-2021-0013
Citation: Jia Chen, Jinghua Luo, Hao Liu, Xue Du, Shan Zhang, Zizhen Wang, Liu He, Zhichun Feng. Ibuprofen treatment for patent ductus arteriosus in preterm infants: a retrospective cohort study in a leading Chinese center[J]. Frigid Zone Medicine, 2021, 1(2): 103-110. doi: 10.2478/fzm-2021-0013

Ibuprofen treatment for patent ductus arteriosus in preterm infants: a retrospective cohort study in a leading Chinese center

doi: 10.2478/fzm-2021-0013
More Information
  • Figure  1.  Study flow diagram

    Table  1.   Clinical outcomes according to CVD scores

    Variables PDA χ2/t P value
    CVD < 3 CVD ≥ 3
    n=1019 n=640
    Surgery(PDA ligation)(n/%) 0 16.5 - -
    PDA closure (n/%) 75.0(772) 66.5(426) 16.201 < 0.0001
    1st course of ibuprofen (n/%) 86.1(179) 75.2(313) 9.439 0.002
    2nd course of ibuprofen (n/%) 91.3(21) 62.3(76) 1.136 0.287
    3rd course of ibuprofen (n/%) 73.9(17) 50.0(36) 4.041 0.044
    RDS (n/%) 66.8(679) 83.5(533) 56.219 < 0.0001
    ROP (n/%) 7.7(77) 20.7(131) 59.941 < 0.0001
    IVH (n/%) 17.4(179) 25(159) 12.881 < 0.0001
    NEC (n/%) 1.1(10) 1.2(8) 0.264 0.607
    BPD(n/%) 8.9(90) 22.4(143) 59.539 < 0.0001
    Death (n/%) 8.8(75) 6.8(41) 0.538 0.463
    PDA closure time (d) 10.8±0.8 14.5±1.4 7.015 < 0.0001
    PDA diameter (mm) 2.2±0.5 2.4±0.6 6.280 < 0.0001
    Ibuprofen (n/%) 24.9(254) 95.3(610) 779.560 < 0.0001
    Ibuprofen after 24h (n/%) 66.5(169) 98.1(598) 178.508 < 0.0001
    BPD, pulmonary dysplasia; ROP, retinopathy of prematurity; IVH. intraventricular hemorrhage; NEC, Necrotizing enterocolitis.
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    Table  2.   Clinical outcomes according to CVD scores ≥ 3

    Variables CVD≥3
    B1 vs B2 B1 vs B3 B2 vs B3 B2+B3 vs B1
    PDA ligation (%) < 0.0001 < 0.0001 0.053 < 0.0001
    (96.7 vs 33.3) (96.7 vs 12.2) (33.3 vs 12.2) (12.6 vs 86.6)
    PDA closure (%) 0.192 < 0.0001 < 0.001 < 0.0001
    (6.7 vs 16.7) (6.7 vs 70.9) (16.7 vs 70.9) (69.8 vs 6.7)
    ROP (%) 0.730 0.048 0.056 0.057
    (34.5 vs 41.7) (34.5 vs 19.4) (41.7 vs 19.4) (19.9 vs 34.5)
    IVH (%) 0.729 0.010 0.318 0.11
    (44.8 vs 33.3) (44.8 vs 23.7) (33.3 vs 23.7) (23.9 vs 44.8)
    NEC(%) - - - -
    (0 vs 0) (0 vs 0) (0 vs 1.3) (1.3 vs 0)
    BPD(%) 0.005 < 0.0001 0.442 < 0.0001
    (72.4 vs 25) (72.4 vs 19.9) (25 vs 19.9) (20.0 vs 72.4)
    Death(%) 1.000 0.947 0.551 1.000
    (6.7 vs 8.3) (6.7 vs 6.4) (8.3 vs 6.4) (6.4 vs 6.7)
    PDA closure time(d) 0.307 0.028 0.554 0.026
    (19.2±6.2 vs 11.4±0.2) (19.2±6.2 vs 14.3±1.1) (11.4±0.2 vs 14.3±1.1) (19.2±6.2 vs 14.3±1.1)
    PDA diameter (mm) 0.622 0.612 0.463 0.625
    (2.4±0.5 vs 2.5±0.5) (2.4±0.5 vs 2.3±0.7) (2.5±0.5 vs 2.4±0.7)) (2.4±0.5 vs 2.3±0.7)
    BPD, pulmonary dysplasia; ROP, retinopathy of prematurity; IVH, intraventricular hemorrhage; NEC, Necrotizing enterocolitis.
    B1, non-ibuprofen intervention; B2, ibuprofen intervention was conducted within 24 h; B3, ibuprofen intervention was conducted after 24h; B2+B3, ibuprofen intervention
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    Table  3.   Clinical outcomes according to ibuprofen course and intervention timing

    CVD score Time Course ≥3
    B2(< 24h) B3(≥24h)
    1 2 ≥3 P 1 2 ≥3 P
    Antenatal 66.7 50 0 - 37.0 39.7 39.4 0.828
    NRDS (%) 66.7 100 100 0.513 79.9 89.3 90.1 0.012
    Pneumonia (%) 77.8 100 0 - 29.5 46.7 31.0 0.002
    Closure (%) 22.2 0 0 - 76.4 63.3 50.7 < 0.0001
    Ligation (%) 33.3 50.0 0 - 8.6 27 16.9 < 0.0001
    ROP (%) 44.4 50 0 - 16.5 23.8 29.6 0.016
    IVH (%) 11.1 10.0 1 0.018 20.4 32.4 23.8 0.015
    NEC (%) 0 0 0 - 1.7 0.8 0 -
    BPD (%) 33.3 - - - 15.5 26.7 33.8 < 0.0001
    Death (%) 11.1 - - - 6.9 5.0 5.6 0.743
    RDS, respiratory distress syndrome; BPD, pulmonary dysplasia; ROP, retinopathy of prematurity; IVH, intraventricular hemorrhage; NEC, Necrotizing enterocolitis.
    B2, ibuprofen intervention was conducted within 24 h; B3, ibuprofen intervention was conducted after 24h
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